Course curriculum

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    • Course Overview

    • Course Objectives

    • Before we begin...

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    • Introduction to SMS

    • Safer Skies

    • Accident Rates

    • Historic Regulation

    • Who, What, When, Why & How

    • Human Behaviour & Performance

    • Human Error

    • Human Factors

    • Reactive, Proactive, Predictive

    • SMS Process

    • Evolution of Safety Thinking

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    Our SMS

    • Safety Philosophy

    • ICAO Framework

    • Safety Culture

    • Just Culture

    • Safety Policy

    • Our Team

    • Reporting

    • Mandatory Reporting

    • Risk Assessment, Root Cause, Mitigation & Monitoring

    • Continuous Improvement

    • Summary

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    Test Your Knowledge

    • Safety Management Systems Quiz

    • Before you go...

    • Resources For You