Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Objective

  • 2

    The threat to civil aviation

    • The threat to civil aviation

    • What is Threat?

    • An Attractive Target

    • Types of Attack on Aviation

    • A History of Threats

    • The Hindawi Affair

    • Pan Am Flight 103

    • September 11 Attacks

    • Shoe Bomb Attack

    • Liquid Bomb Plot

    • Glasgow Airport

    • Underpants Bomb

    • Treat Levels

    • Current Treat Level

  • 3

    Objectives and organisation of aviation security

    • Objectives and organisation of aviation security

    • Aviation Security Objective

    • Aviation Security Standards

    • The role of Security Officers

    • Your role within security

  • 4

    Your Role and Responsibilities within Aviation Security

    • Your Role and Responsibilities within Aviation Security

    • Your role within Aviation Security

    • What is Normal

    • Suspicious Behaviour

    • Insider Risk

    • Knowledge Exploitation

    • Suspicious Items and Vehicles

    • Reporting

  • 5

    Access Areas

    • Access Areas

    • Airside and Landside

    • Critical Part and Security Restricted Areas

    • Access Control Authorisation - Passes

    • Airport Passes

    • Other pass types and entry exemptions

  • 6

    Visitors and Airside Access

    • Visitors and Airside Access

    • Visitors

    • Temporary Passes

    • Escorting Ratios

    • Escorts Responsibilities

  • 7

    Assessment of bomb warnings

    • Procedures for handling bomb threats

    • The bomb threat message

    • Immediate steps if you receive a bomb threat communication

    • Actions to consider

    • Assessing the credibility of bomb threats

    • Checking your venue for suspicious items – search considerations

    • Handling the media